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February 26, 2013 / demarquettechoc

What Makes a Mum

Another Mothering Sunday is upon us, the perfect occasion to shower mum in some much deserved love–and chocolate! But did you know that this Sunday wasn’t initially created for mothers at all? It was originally an occasion for people to return to their “mother” church for a service during the season of Lent. Domestic servants were also normally given a day off to visit their families and bring home a gift, which may be where the tradition of honouring mums started. Now the fourth Sunday of Lent is consistently dedicated to celebrating mums with gifts of appreciation and love.

As a child, it wasn’t too hard to think of ways to make mum feel special– scribbling “I love you” in Crayola crayon on a homemade card or attempting to clean the kitchen went a long way (and actually still might!). But as we get older, coming up with a nice gift can get a little tougher. After all, how does one possibly express what a special person a mother is? How do you even begin describing her? It’s not easy, but we’ve found a few quotes that put it rather nicely.

The English Garden Collection

The English Garden Collection

  • All that I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. –Abraham Lincoln
  • A mother is a person who, seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie. –Tenneva Jordan
  • The phrase “working mother” is redundant. –Jane Sellman
  • Some mothers are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together. –Pearl S. Buck
  • A mother’s arms are more comforting than anyone else’s. –Diana, Princess of Wales

Perhaps mothers are so special because they are often exactly who we need them to be. They’re willing to give so much of themselves for our own sakes, whether it be a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, a helping hand, two comforting arms or even a bit of a scolding tongue. So what can we give them in return? One gift that seems to withstand the test of time is, well, a little time itself. Pay a visit home for the weekend or take mum out to dinner to catch up. For dessert, bake a favourite recipe together or share with her a box of exquisite caramel cream chocolates. And if the distance is simply too far, perhaps ring her up just to say you love her. Take note from mum and do a little extra to let her know she is appreciated, not only this Sunday but the whole year through! Wishing all of the wonderful mums out there a very Happy Mother’s Day.

Click here for more Mothering Sunday gift ideas.

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